Hunter Meek (Nov 6 2019)
Devoid of gentle concession
And the number one cause of depression
Invercargill to Whangarei, NCEA students
All have to say: Unfamiliar Text sucks.
You get a few paragraphs; there’s a main idea
And it strikes a full room of students with fear
You reread and reread, but you’re nowhere near
Untangling this web of words.
You’ve an hour and a half, I guess
To read through three Kiwi texts, no less
To search and scan and cry and try
To figure out what it all means.
What techniques are used,
And the changes in mood,
And the purpose behind
All the words that they’ve spewed.
All the metaphors and similes
That I decode abysmally
See NZQA’s villainy?
I sigh and sulk so timidly.
But perhaps it’s not so bad
Perhaps it can be done
Perhaps if I just breathe a bit
It could even be fun?
Perhaps I’m being rude
To a paper that must be
So thoughtfully planned.
Maybe I should think before
I bury my head in the sand.
Maybe if I concentrate,
I’ll get a decent grade.
I’m hoping and I’m hoping
And I pray, and pray, and pray.